IPod hard drive, (What's this?) I installed in my wifes IPod and so far very
happy. Also , the timeliness of getting this
This HD saves my ipod, (What's this?) My ipod 30gb is working again after change the HD. I am very glad to choose this vendor, I had troubles to find my package And the vendor replace it without extra cost. This vendor is compromised with the client.
Success, (What's this?) Worked great for my 5th Gen 30gb Video Ipod. Was faced with the dreaded "sad face" and definitely glad I took it upon myself to replace the hard drive instead of sending $120 apple's way for repair.
If you have never opened an Ipod before... be prepared, and take some time to find the tools you'll need. I found the Ipod pry tools (orange or green I believe, that can be found elsewhere online) to be extremely useful and I wish I had used them the first time around, (before I broke the faceplate and needed to replace that as well). Moral of the story, be patient and definitely check as many tutorial videos as possible before you begin.
Got 2 bad ones, Bought this on Amazon but not from Amazon. I probably could have kept returning these until I got a good one but who has time for that.
Well worth the purchase, (What's this?) This was bought to replace a dead drive in my 5th gen ipod video. It arrived very quickly, installed without a hitch and iTunes restored the ipod right off. Well worth the purchase! There are videos on youtube on how to replace the hard drive. After installing the drive, hook the ipod up to the computer, start iTunes and navigate over to the ipod tab, select restore ipod and get ready to have your baby up and working again.
Great IPOD drive, (What's this?) I purchased this drive to replace the dead one in my 5th gen ipod and it worked like a dream.
Good Hard Drive, (What's this?) Very good item, easy to install and works great.
MK3008GAL brought my Ipod back to life, (What's this?) About 2 years ago, I had my 30gig Ipod video crap out on me not too long after the warranty had expired. After a run of several failed Ipods after their warranty expired, I gave up on them and have been buying Sansas. I recently left one in a hotel and do not have the extra cash to invest in a new mp3 player. Anyways looked up online how to fix an ipod. It seemed simple enough that I could attempt it. If it didnt work, so what, its been broken anyways. I ordered this product on Monday and received it on Wednesday. I did some very delicate surgery on Ipodicus and was so happy to see it start up. What a success! This is the most valuable 25$ I have ever spent. If you have a malfunctioning Ipod past its warranty, I urge you to try to fix it yourself before shelling out more money for a new one.
Wrong Image was displayed and I ate a drive that was not what I wanted., (What's this?) I was disapoined as when I purchased the drive it had an image that looked like it was a compatible drive for my I-pod. I recieved the package and found the drive to not match the image that was online! I was too busy to return the drive and go through the nonsense needed to make the return. Lesson learned was dont buy anything image specific. The problem was that the image showed a different interface and this interface was not on the actual drive. Dont misunderstand my message, the drive was a great drive but just useless for me due to being the wrong item.
5th Gen ipod 30G Video Hard Drive Replacement, (What's this?) My 5th Gen ipod (over 5 years old) had started skipping, freezing and giving "use iTunes to restore" warning. Restore seemed to work but it kept crashing. This hard drive installed easily with a little patience. Look on youtube for videos demonstrating how to open the case with correct tools.

8.0 mm drive height 1.8-inch form factor Power Specifications: DC+3.3V, 0.5A Regulatory Approvals: C.MIC C-Tick BSMI.Toshiba MK3008GAL 30 GB UDMA/100 1.8-inch Hard Drive General Features: 30 GB formatted capacity.UDMA/100 4200RPM; 2 MB buffer; 15 ms average seek time; ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) connection. 30GB 1.8MM 4.