Your only option for an SSD wtih FDE, Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about what happens when your laptop is stolen out of your car or from a cafe?
Wouldn't you like that laptop to be fast and quiet, too?
You can buy an assortment of very good SSD devices. You can also buy lots of very good FDE (full disk encryption) hard disks, but this drive is currently the only available unit that has both features.
You already know why you want an SSD -- because it's *fast*. You could put full disk encryption on top of your nifty SSD, but then your CPU will quickly become the bottleneck for any disk IO and cause your computer to spend a lot of time simply encrypting and decrypting the data.
Software encryption is also clunky and hard to do across an entire disk.

Nonvolatile memory and no moving parts.Serial ATA/300 - Serial ATA interface.1.8" compatible drive bay width.Ideal data storage solution offering improved performance and reliability.256GB storage capacity..