Way better than buying a new computer!!, (What's this?) Bought this as a replacement for my laptop when a shock to the computer destroyed the stock hard drive. Way cheap, easy plug in install, and a far better choice than buying a new laptop.
Great product for rebuilding an old laptop, (What's this?) Purchased drive to replace one from an ancient (ten year old) Dell laptop. The original laptop drive had failed. The drive works perfectly and the laptop is now fully functional again. It has proven a very economical, effective method of resuscitating a dead computer. If you want to replace an old laptop IDE/ATA drive, I would recommend this Samsung.
A few words of caution: Replacement of a laptop drive and reinstallation of the operating system is not for the faint hearted. This drive is the older IDE interface type (not the currently standard SATA) purchased specifically to replace the drive in an old computer. This particular model will not work in laptops using the newer standard. My old laptop has an adapter between the hard drive and the mother board, and replacement of the drive required that the adapter be carefully separated from the broken drive then added to the interface pins of the new drive before installation. After installation it is necessary to reinstall the operating system on the new drive (in my case reinstalling Windows Millenium Edition then updating ME to Win XP -- the laptop had come with ME installed and XP was added as an update later). The operating system reinstallation process took many hours.
Good ATA Nard Drive for old notebooks, (What's this?) Purchased it as a replacement for old, infected with virus HD in my old Dell Inspirion B130. Old one was 40Gb.
Loaded it with Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003. As of now, after about week of use, it works well, no complains. It is not a speedy one HD, but it does the job and it works with my Dell. I would recommend it for those who needs ATA HD for old notebooks.
Looks just like the orignal Thinkpad T40 Drive, (What's this?) My Thinkpad T40 has an IDE drive and I wanted a backup external drive that could be swapped out since my backups are cloned drives. This Samsung drive looks exactly like the T40 original drive but of course the Samsung has twice the capacity. I made a clone backup and swapped the drive as a test and it worked perfectly.
Quiet and runs very cool, (What's this?) I'm using this in a Thinkpad T40 which puts the hard drive right under the palmrest, so operating temperature becomes a concern when you've been using it a while.
The original Hitachi Deathstars ran so hot, I'd lift my hand to reveal a puddle of sweat, then right before failure they'd get too hot to touch -- no good!
This hard drive has none of the problems the Hitachi models did. Its much quieter and doesn't do the annoying "click-pop click-BOOM" that a lot of other drives do (Toshiba, Hitachi, Western Digital). This migh seem like a small detail, but it gets extremely annoying in a quiet room when your hard drive starts making these loud clicks, pops and rattles at random invervals.
Bottom line: This drive is worth your time and your money.
Ibook hd replacement, I ordered this replace a hard drive in an ibook G4. I followed ifixit's guide and was good to go. It's speedier for sure. I'd recommend this drive to any legacy ibook user.
Great Hard Drive, (What's this?)
Replacing in iBook G4: Time Consuming But Do-able, (What's this?) This drive works great in my iBook G4, and it is MUCH quieter than the original hard drive.
Good drive for old laptops...., (What's this?) Ordered this drive to replace a defective drive in an old laptop. Was glad to find an old ATA drive still available. Installed the new drive with no problem and it works like a charm. I've used Samsung drives before and I've never had a problem with them.
What a life saver!!!, Great service, great price... This drive saved the life of my little PowerBook G4 workhorse.... installation went smooth, the formatting and installing Leopard went off without a hitch... the drive works great, it's quiet and accesses timely.

8MB cache - 12 ms average seek time.160 GB formatted capacity - 5400RPM.ATA S.M.A.R.T. Feature Set.5.6 ms Average latency.2.5-inch form factor - 9.5 mm drive height. Notebook users can always use more storage space.